Discover our creative collection of tee shirts & mugs
We take pride in using vegan-friendly inks.
Inspired by Buddhism, Life & Music...
Mardy Bum Yorkshire Roots Tee
Mardy Bum Yorkshire Roots Mug
What's Somatic With You Tee
What's Somatic With You? Mug
Life is what happens - John Lennon Tee
Life is what happens - John Lennon Mug
Wagwan Tee
Wagwan Mug
Mabel Says Patient Man Tee
Mabel Says Patient Man Mug
Lets get together Tee
Lets get together Mug
Love no reason Tee
Love no reason Mug
Dusty Springfield Tee
Dusty Springfield Mug
Don’t stop me now Tee
Dont stop me now Mug
You may say I’m a Dreamer Tee
You may say I’m a Dreamer Mug
Yes I am Tee
Yes I am Mug
Super Buddha Tee
Super Buddha Mug
Its only Rock n Roll Tee
Its only Rock n Roll Mug
I will never be the same Tee
I will never be the same Mug
By with a little help Tee
By with a little help Mug
Cool As you Try Tee
Cool As you Try Mug
Comfortably Numb Tee
Comfortably Numb Mug
Choose your thoughts Tee
Choose your thoughts Mug
Bring Me Some Water Tee
Bring Me Some Water Mug
Bodhisattva in training Tee
Bodhisattva in training Mug