Discover our creative collection of tee shirts & mugs
We take pride in using vegan-friendly inks.
Inspired by Buddhism, Life & Music...
Triratna Mitra Tee
Triratna Mitra Mug
Straight outta Sangha Tee
Straight outta Sangha Mug
Straight outta Meditation Tee
Straight outta Meditation Mug
Running up that hill Tee
Running up that hill Mug
One Way Out Tee
One Way Out Mug
Bob, One Love Tee
Bob, One Love Mug
Metta Matters Tee
Metta Matters Mug
Melissa Be Strong Tee
Melissa Be Strong Mug
David Bowie Tee
David Bowie Mug
Melissa albums Tee
Melissa albums Mug
May you be well, May you be Happy Tee
May you be well, May you be Happy Mug
Lets Dance Tee
Lets Dance Mug
He’s my Buddha Tee
He’s my Buddha Mug
Harry Potter Tee
Harry Potter Mug
Free our minds, Bob Tee
Free our minds, Bob Mug
Equanimity Tee
Equanimity Mug
Elvis love me tender Tee
Elvis love me tender Mug
Melissa Dial the number Tee
Melissa Dial the Number Mug
Cake and Eat it Tee
Cake and Eat it Mug
Bob one good thing about Pain Tee
Bob Marley Feel No Pain Mug