Discover our creative collection of tee shirts & mugs
We take pride in using vegan-friendly inks.
Inspired by Buddhism, Life & Music...
Have a Buddhaful Day Mug
Dharma Path Tee
Dharma Path Mug
Medicine Buddha Tee
Medicine Buddha Mug
I like Big Buddhas Mug
I like Big Buddhas Tee
Life resistance Mug
Life resistance Tee
Five Precepts Mug
Five Precepts Tee
Triratna Mitra Mug
Triratna Mitra Tee
Straight outta Meditation Mug
Straight outta Meditation Tee
Straight outta Sangha Mug
Straight outta Sangha Tee
Metta Matters Mug
Metta Matters Tee
May you be well, May you be Happy Mug