Discover our creative collection of tee shirts & mugs
We take pride in using vegan-friendly inks.
Inspired by Buddhism, Life & Music...
Slow and Steady Tee
The Buddha Mug
The Buddha Tee
Dr Ambedkar Tee
Dr Ambedkar Mug
Dharma Disciple Tee
Dharma Disciple Mug
Dharma Rich Tee
Dharma Rich Mug
Trust in the universe Tee
Trust in the universe Mug
Don’t believe everything Mug
Don’t believe everything Tee
Loving Kindness Meditation Tee
Loving Kindness Meditation Mug
Buddha Rocks Tee
Buddha Rocks Mug
He’s my Buddha Tee
He’s my Buddha Mug
Have a Buddhaful Day Tee